Monte Carlo housekeeper first declaration

Monaco 14th March 2018 

 Note: The following two transcribed declarations were made by Eden accompanied by Elisabeth Agusta Kovar, a MC resident.  PS Sr. was not present when these notarized declarations were made.


Eden Domdom Nylen     Mobile +33 6 07 93 48 37

1, Avenue Henry Dunant, 
Palais de la Scala
MC 98000 Monaco

"I was employed by Mr. Josef Seilern, his wife Anne and their daughter Philippa from 1983 until the death of Miss Philippa the 17th January 2018.

I am still under employment to this date at 49, Avenue Hector Otto, Bermuda, 10th floor Block C, 98000 Monaco.

I worked in Monaco as a Governess in charge of the family for 23 years (1983-2006), and then took care of Miss Philippa personally for another 12 years (2006-2018).

Joseph Seilern died in 2004 and his wife Anne in 2006."

Eden Domdom Nylen

*          *          *          *


2006 -

After the death of Miss Philippa’s mother in 2006 she appeared very independent and strong and never complained.  If I remember correctly, it was at this time that Mr. Blöchlinger asked me for her Lagos phone number, and I first had to ask permission from Miss Philippa to do so.

Miss Philippa also asked me "What will you do after my death?"  I was so surprised by her question that I answered  "I never think of that. As long as you are here, I have work and I can survive".  Then Miss P asked me  "If you go back to the Philippines, how much would you need to build yourself a home?"  Then I answered,  "Euro 100 - 200'000".  Miss P replied,  " Is that all?"  I said jokingly "YES".

At around that same time, I noticed that Miss P received regular letters addressed to her from “Joseph Seilern Trustfund”.

I never asked and she never talked to me about her Foundation or banking, as Miss P was a very private person.

From 2009 onwards I observed Miss Philippa receiving phone calls from Mr Blöchlinger twice a year and it appeared, that she made a day trip one time per year for a meeting, with whom I was not informed.

*          *          *          *

2016 - 2017

Miss Philippa usually lived 3-months 2x a year in Lagos and 3-months 2x a year in Monaco.

She prolonged her stay in 

·       Lagos                Sept. 2015               March 2016   due to her hip operation, then:

·       Monaco            Apr. 2016 -             Sept. 2016 

·       Lagos               Sept. 2016 -            Dec. 2016 

·       Monaco            Dec. 2016 -             Apr. 2017

·       Lagos               Apr. 2017 -              July 2017

·       Monaco            July 2017 -              Sept. 23rd 2017

·       Lagos               Sept. 23rd 2017      with a return ticket 4th Dec. 2017

Miss P did not return to Monaco, instead she prolonged her stay in Lagos, as she did not feel well.

I usually called her twice a week from her Monaco apartment to update her with news, correspondence, etc.

When I asked how she was feeling, she always tried to put my mind at rest and not to worry.  She was feeling well as far as the circumstances allowed.

*          *          *          *

Miss Philippa’s mental health was excellent when Mr Blöchlinger visited in the Spring 2016 after Miss P returned from her hip operation.  I served water to Mr Blöchlinger and noticed numerous papers spread over the living room table and Mr Blöchlinger holding documents for Miss Philippa to sign. The same period, I do not recall the date, Dany drove Miss Philippa & myself to the Notary Maître Rey and I assisted Miss P to deliver her letter to the secretary.

Mr Blöchlinger was the last person who visited Miss Philippa in Monaco besides the Dany (chauffeur) and myself.

I would like to add that the three of us (Mr Blöchlinger, chauffeur Dany Cabellon and myself) were the only persons she had physical contact with since 2006.

Miss Philippa banked with J. Safra Sarasin SA Monaco (Director Mr David Custdin). I do not know the account number.

During her last stay in Monaco of 2017, I assisted Miss P to her Bank, helped her sit down in front of the Bank Director in his office and to whom she gave another envelope.  I also noticed documents on the table before leaving the office and waiting for her outside.

Her valuable jewelleries were kept in the home safety box and she explicitly told me that they are for the family and I did not ask who she means with family.

She kept:

1.     1 medium sized Ferragamo bag with her personal daily watches by Cartier,

2.     1 larger Ferragamo bag with mixed Jewellery and watches,

3.     1 Brown Jewellery box with daily use of necklaces and bracelets of value,

4.     1 large red Jewellery box.

Miss P and I hid numbers 1-2-3 in the guest room cabinet above the bed.  Number 4 was under the cabinet in the master bedroom for safety reasons as Danny the chauffeur enjoyed looking in all the cabinets when Miss P was in Lagos.

*          *          *          *

In 2017 both the health check-up for Miss Philippa with the Neurologist in Nice and the Family Doctor Lorenzo (+33 4 93 78 41 50) were 100% outstanding, especially as she suffered from Parkinson Disease since 2012  (Dr Lorenzo has the information) the only medication for her PD prescribed by Dr. Lorenzo, was prepared by me and taken by herself 3 x daily.

Miss Philippa’s mental condition, relating to her daily activities was 100%.

For example, she enjoyed 3 meals a day in the dining room which she planned and chose herself, reading newspapers, books, writing checks and greeting cards, paying bills and taking care of her own correspondence.

She also enjoyed shopping, hairdresser without the need of the Driver.  I only started to accompany her after her hip operation.

On December 14th 2017, she personally sent her Christmas cards and bonus checks to her Monaco-based employees (Chauffeur Dany & myself) via the postal service in Lagos. 

*          *          *          *

One day in 2017, after I returned from my lunch to the apartment, Miss Philippa told me of an unexpected visitor while having lunch by herself in front of the TV.

At 12.30 the doorbell rang, but as Miss P didn't have me to assist her she could not go to the door. Then several minutes later the Concierge appeared in person, as he had a second emergency key to the apartment, bringing with him PS Jr's. wife and explaining that "by coincidence she was visiting a friend in the building”

Miss P. was furious and uncomfortable and asked her to leave.  This was the first time Miss Philippa told me that PS Jr & wife were living in Monaco.

The only person of the family I ever saw was her cousin Boy walking in the street.  Miss Philippa pointed him out to me and we both hid so as not to be noticed.

*          *          *          *

Miss Philippa called me from Lagos before her hip operation with the following instructions  - In case something would happen to her, to call Mr Peter Seilern (PS Sr.) in Switzerland.

I requested his number from Miss Philippa and she instructed me to find it in the family register.  When I looked up his number, I asked her if this is correct, as it was Switzerland, and she confirmed with YES.

I asked her why she is giving me these instructions?  Her reply  "Just in case something happens to me". Then I asked her "How about I go and tell your cousin?" And she replied "Do not tell anyone from my Monaco family".

The driver Danny Cabellon was next to me at the time and witnessed this phone call.

When Miss Philippa returned from Lagos after the operation she asked "Did you keep the phone number of Mr Peter Seilern Senior?" and I showed her the number in my mobile. I never met PS Sr. from Switzerland.  Nor did I know that Mr Peter Seilern Jr. & his wife lived in Monaco.  I did not have their phone numbers.

*          *          *          *

I believe Miss Philippa's hip operation in Lagos was in March 2016 where she was residing with her other housekeeper Alice Brito.  I do not know the exact dates nor am I familiar with the medical records.

She returned to Monaco in April 2016.

2016 - 2017 -   I took special care of Miss Philippa in Monaco as she was afraid to fall.  I needed to pull her from a lying or sitting position and assisted her in the shower.  Otherwise she walked freely “One Hour” a day without support. 

*          *          *          *


PS Jr. called 7-10 days after the death of Miss Philippa, and informed me that he & his wife were coming to see the apartment.  It was a Tuesday and I showed them around as this was their first time in the apartment. At this time PS Jr. removed Danny Cabellon contract and 2 envelopes.

 After the funeral in Lagos they visited a second time just before lunch, this time with Mr Seilern Sr. (note Boy).

PS Jr. asked me how many keys I had to the apartment and I explained that the apartment had 2 keys, as it initially was 2 apartments that had been turned into one.

He tried to take the keys from me in front of his father, his wife and Miss P's chauffeur, Danilo (Danny) Cabellon.

When I refused, PS Jr. said  "She is dead we are now taking over."

He was without compassion, considering my loyalty to the family and the consequences for my being made redundant.  This insensitive comment caused Danny to start crying.  

I refused to give him the keys and he was furious.  PS Jr then called someone and passed this person on his mobile to me, the man asked me if I spoke French or English, and he continued in English and told me that he is the person in charge of the apartment.

He told me that I can give the keys to PS Jr. but I still refused and told him, that I will release the keys with a letter of Power from the Notary. The man then confirmed that he will fax the letter of power and I waited first week of February if I remember correctly it was 6th Tuesday to 7th Wednesday inclusive.

On Wednesday 7th February 2018, PS Jr. called and asked if the fax arrived and I said NO.  And he replied,  "I am coming anyway to take the keys, as tomorrow me & my wife are inspecting the apartment alone without you".

I didn't return to the apartment on Thursday in order to avoid PS Jr & entourage. 

*          *          *          *

After the death of Miss Philippa, I received a letter dated 5th, February 2018 addressed to my home from the Monaco Notary Maître Rey, informing me of an inheritance in the amount of Euro 50 000.00 from Miss Philippa, accompanied by the “Questionnaire d’Etat-civil” that I signed and delivered in person to his secretary.

The secretary asked me if I wanted to receive the gift of Euro 50 000 and I said yes.  She also asked me for the keys to the apartment and I gave them to her.

The secretary informed me at the same time that all the belongings of Miss Philippa will go to the Red Cross except that the furniture will go to Friedrich Carl S.

My employment has not yet been terminated and today I spoke to the Inspector de Travail and I have to return to Maître Rey 12th March 2018 at 10 AM and deliver the document “Licenciement d’une Employée de Maison”. 

*          *          *          *

Apartment 49 Av. Hector Otto

I never have seen anyone of Miss Philippa’s family from 2006 onward at the apartment or picking her up for lunch or dinner. The only time I have seen visitors was now after her death and it was the father of Peter Jr. with his wife.

I didn’t allow anyone to remove anything while I had the keys and the apartment was never rented.  I do not know if the apartment is being sold.

As I stated no one came to visit her while she was living in Monte Carlo.

_____________________________________________          Monaco ......... March 2018

Eden Domdom Nylen


_____________________________________________          Monaco ......... March 2018

Nathalie Aureglia-Caruso, notaire



Second declaration 

Monaco 16th April 2022

Eden Domdom Nylen   Mobile +377 60 793 4837

1, Avenue Henry Dunant,
Palais de la Scala
MC 98000 Monaco 


Addendum to original Declaration of 16th March 2018 

Print in light blue refers to pages and chapters of the original Declaration (not the page numbers of the Philippa manuscript).




Page 1      top of page

My relationship with Joseph & Anne Seilern’

Mr JS called me ‘Anthony Eden’ after the prominent U.K. PM.  He used to play with me in an amusing way…by annoying and interrupting my daily routine in order to make me laugh.

When I started my work in the afternoon at 2 PM, Mrs Anne Seilern served her husband tea & biscuits at 3 PM to and gave me parallel cookies in a napkin as Mr JS would only have his tea with the knowledge that I also had my cookies. 

The Family reminded me over and over again:   “‘You know Eden you are part of the family” and I was always included in any reunion with visitors and introduced as  “This is our Eden”.

When Mr Joseph S. saw me with my husband on the ‘Place de Casino’ he called us to join him for an ice cream at the ‘Cafe De Paris’.

Mr PS Switzerland reminds me of Mr JS and in my opinion, this is why Miss P asked me to contact him in case something would happen to her as she trusted Mr PS Switzerland.


Page 1            Chapter ‘2006’          Paragraph 2

Having lived in Monaco since the 9th of January 1978 and having lost relatives through the Pandemic in the Philippines, I would prefer to continue living in Monaco with my niece Maria Angela Domdom (photo).   She is my only close relative of whom I am guardian after the death of her mother (my sister)

mariaangeladomdomMy financial situation & status quo changed dramatically after the death of Miss Philippa.  Also, due to language barrier and receiving no income over a period of time left me vulnerable. 

After Miss Philippa died, I went to the Inspection du Travail, Monaco who contacted Maître Rey and then received my full salary until June when my Pension was approved.

I do not have enough for my daily requirements and prefer to discuss a monthly support calculated in a lumpsum, to secure my life in Monaco for the next 30 years.

My salary when working for Miss Philippa was €3’600 declared 

My pension now is €1’506.12 plus a Complimentary of €404.28, total €1’910.40 a month.

In 1990 I signed a lease for the Studio at 1, Avenue Henry Dunant.  Monthly rent was FF 6’500.00 (€990.92).  2022 rent is €1’579.00.  Water & other charges are inclusive.  My electrical bill amounts to €139.-a quarter.

Further income:

PS Sr. sent me €1’000 both in June and July 2019
and a further €1’000 in March 2022
assures me that €2’000 will be paid monthly starting April 2022.  This will provide a total income of €3’910.40 which after rent & electricity leaves me with €2’294.10


Before Philippa died

Before Miss P left for Lagos on her last trip, she composed several handwritten letters in her bedroom.  One letter I had to mail from the post office addressed to a Miss Elisabeth in Monaco.

Another time she composed letters and this time asked me to assist her get up from the chair in front of her Büro.  I noticed 3 letters placed on the writing cabinet. 

Miss P asked me « to come with her » to the safety box, that was kept in the corridor between the study room of Mr. Joseph & his private WC behind the entry door to his private rooms.   Miss P asked me to remove the Chinese painting that covered the wall safe.  She opened the safe and I looked away.  She handed me 3 envelopes and asked me to place them inside of the safe above the other documents.

This happened 2 weeks before Miss Philippa’s departure for Lagos , Sept. 23rd 2017.

The same day she asked me to place 2 additional handwritten letters in the cabinet with 4 drawers, that was placed in the corridor of her father’s private rooms that was used for selected documents for me to have access when Miss P was away from Monaco.  She asked me to place the 2 blanc letters inside of the file for Chauffeur Danny Cabellon.  In my opinion those were instruction for Danny & Myself. 


Page 4    Chapter 1     Paragraph 1

In 2016 Miss Philippa called me from Lagos before her hip operation with the following instructions - In case something would happen to her, to call Mr Peter Seilern (PS Sr.) in Switzerland. 

I asked Miss P, what is his Telephone number? She told me to look at the family directory in the notebook. I then disconnected our call and informed her once I found the number, I will call her back.  I called her back and verified the number I found for Mr Peter Seilern (PS Sr.) in Switzerland, and she confirmed. I then asked her  “Why?”  but she did not answer my question.  She advised me to save PS Sr’s number in my telephone.

From then onwards she reminded me ‘Over & Over Again’ to call Mr Peter Seilern (PS Sr.) in Switzerland in case something happens to her.


Page 2      Chapter 2        Paragraph:   Last meeting with Mr. Blöchlinger

blochlingerMr Blöchlinger was the last person to visit Miss Philippa in Monaco before she travelled to Lagos where she died. This was the last time I saw Mr Blöchlinger in the Monaco apartment.

Miss P & Mr B were sitting at the living room centre table, and I remember Miss P. holding my IBAN number in her hand and giving it to Mr Blöchlinger.

Mr Blöchlinger asked Miss P by pointing to me ‘IS SHE THE ONE’ and Miss P said ‘YES’.



After January 17, 2018

When Mr. PS Jr came the first time to the apartment, he asked me to show him where the contract of Danny Cabellon, the chauffeur, was kept. 

Before passing the file to Mr PS Jr, I pointed out to Danny « Look Danny there are 2 envelopes here, do you want me to give the 2 envelops with the file? ».  Danny answered ‘OK’.   I believe however that the 2 envelopes were meant for Danny and me.

I then gave the file to Mr PS Jr who opened it in front of us (PS Jr’s father, PS Jr. & his wife, Danny Cabellon and myself).  PS Jr scrolled through the file and checked Danny’s contract.

When he noticed the 2 envelopes, he quickly closed the file mentioning « He will take the file to his secretary ».  He probably realized at that moment that they were important letters.

2-3 weeks later Danny and I visited the ‘Inspecteur du Travail’ and we had a dialogue concerning the 2 envelopes.  The two letters appear to be meant for Danny and myself because the drawer cabinet contained all the important documents I needed to access when Miss Philippa was away.

Mr. PS Jr. returned a 2nd time the same week  and asked me and Danny to show him the parking place.

I no longer saw Danny after he went to PS Jr’s father asking for the envelopes.  I saw him recently sweeping the Villa Carina (home of FC Seilern (PS Jr.’s father) driveway and it appears that he is now employed as a chauffeur. 

That is when Danny stopped contacting me.


Page 2         Chapter 2         Paragraph 3:   Chauffeur Danny Cabellon 

I learned through a friend that Danny was working as PS Jr’s chauffeur.  In 2020 I passed by the villa of Mr. Frederic Charles Seilern (PS Jr’s father), and I ran into Danny.  He was sweeping the entrance of the villa and I asked him ‘What are you doing here’?  Danny replied, ‘I am working for Mr. Senior Seilern’.  At that moment a French-speaking woman came out of the house asking me ‘What do I want to talk to Danny for?’  She behaved aggressively towards me for no reason.


Page 4       Chapter 2018       Paragraph 1

PS Jr. called 7-10 days after the death of Miss Philippa and informed me that he & his wife were coming to see the apartment. It was a Tuesday and I showed them around. As this was their first time in the apartment, since my being employed from 1983 by Mr & Mrs Joseph Seilern.

After the funeral in Lagos, they visited a second time just before lunch, this time with Mr Seilern Sr. (Boy).

I refused to give him the keys and he was furious.  PS Jr then called someone and passed on his mobile, by telling me it was his brother.  This man explained that he was in charge for the apartment.

The man then asked me, if I spoke French or English, and he continued in English. and informed me that he will send the ‘Letter of Power of Attorney’ to Philippa’s Fax number. 


Page 5       Chapter 3  “After the death of Miss Philippa’         Paragraph 2

The secretary asked me if I wanted to receive the gift of €50 000 and I said YES because I always trusted Mr & Mrs Seilern & their daughter Philippa.  I always accompanied Mr. & Mrs. S on every visit to the Monaco Notary Maître Rey and especially Philippa after the death of her parents.

The secretary asked me if I wanted to receive the gift of €50 000.  I accepted and returned the keys because I “trusted Maitre Rey” as I always accompanied Mr & Mrs S when they visited him. 


Page 5      Paragraph 3

Miss Philippa told me that all the books should go to the Red Cross and the furniture to FCS (Boy).  What to do with Miss P’s clothing, China, Kitchen & Household utensils was up to me to decide.

I received a phone call on my private mobile number from a woman calling me from the Red Cross and requesting that I join her at Miss Philippa’s Apartment for the inventory.

I met 2 Men & 1 Woman (I assume it was the woman who called me) waiting for me in the apartment. They were asking me details of the apartment lay out and where the individual rooms were, especially Miss Philippa’s was placed.  I then opened the doors to each room and the cabinets for their inventory.

I took my personal belongings from the apartment, nothing else.


sig.    Eden D. Nylen                                      Monaco


Eden Domdom Nylen


Vu seulement pour certification matérielle de la signature de Mme. Eden Domdom veuve Nylen, apposé ci-dessus

Monaco le 




sig.     ………….., notaire



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